Bynoe's Wattle  |  

Acacia bynoeana

Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list

Tiny Wattle

Acacia bynoeana (Bynoe’s wattle) family Mimosaceae, also known as the tiny wattle, has a prostrate habit (Cowan, 2001), with stems lying on the ground but rising at the tip. Bynoe’s wattle grows to 0.3 m high, with ribbed branchlets. The inflorescences are simple, with globular heads (3.5-4 mm in diameter) borne on short hairy stems, bearing 16- 20 light golden flowers. Pods are tapered to both ends and seeds are longitudinal, oblong, 4 – 4.5 mm long, dull, mottled-brown. The single flower heads can appear between September and March, and seedpods mature between September and January. The hairy branchlets distinguish Bynoe’s wattle from the similar and more common three-veined wattle (Acacia trinervata).

Government evidence of impact of climate change:

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  • Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Acacia bynoeana

    Due to the fragmented nature of the populations; their small size; fire mitigation activities and the proximity of urbanisation; the species is susceptible to catastrophic events and localised extinction Invasion of the species habitat by weeds The main potential threat to Bynoe’s wattle is (NSW OEH; 1999 2012) Inappropriate fire regimes.

    More frequent and or intense burning could threaten the species survival Research Priorities Research priorities that would inform future regional and local priority actions include Developing and implementing a monitoring program to determine trends in population numbers; recruitment and mortality; timing of life history stages; threats and the impacts of threat abatement activities.

    More frequent hazard reduction burning could threaten the species survival.