The evidence is stark

The Environment Council of Central Queensland has provided Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek with evidence from 3000 documents and spreadsheets, documenting the direct and indirect impacts of climate change.

For the first time, detailed Fire impact maps demonstrate the devastating impact of climate-fuelled bushfire on the species and places under the environment minister’s watch.

With excruciating clarity, this evidence paints a grim picture of the current and projected climate risks to thousands of matters of national environmental significance.

ECoCeQ is arguing Australia’s environment minister Tanya Plibersek has a responsibility to consider the immense and indisputable risks of harm from climate damage, posed by new coal and gas proposals, on Australia’s living wonders.

Read the Legal argument report

Analysis of research on climate change and its impacts on Matters of National Environmental Significance under the EPBC Act


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Explore the evidence on Australia's living wonders

This is about all of it. Koalas and platypuses. Turtles, orchids and big old trees. Birds that traverse the planet to nest in our internationally recognised wetlands, and whales that nurse their calves in our seas.

It’s about delicate alpine ecosystems, thunderous waterfalls and ochre-toned escarpments. It’s about the living cultural heritage of First Nations people. It’s about Kakadu. The Tarkine. The Reef.

Explore the coal and gas proposals

Right now, dozens of coal and gas proposals are sitting on our Environment Minister’s desk, awaiting approval.

This includes proposals for brand new coal mines and expansions, for new gas wells and ports. And proposals to keep digging and burning fossil fuels for decades more – one until 2070.

Where will you be in 2070? Will we still share this continent with thousands of living wonders?

The evidence is stark. But the future is not yet written. We can write it together, today.

Read the latest news