Acacia cochlocarpa subsp. velutinosa, Family Mimosaceae, also known as Velvety Spiral Pod Wattle, is a spreading shrub growing 0.7 m high and 3 m across. Its branchlets are velvety and phyllodes are erect, 2.5–4 cm long, 3–5 mm wide, and have three to seven unequal hairy nerves. Flower-heads are bright golden, sub-globular, axillary, 5–7 mm long, and appear in May–August. Pods are tightly coiled, smooth, velvety, impressed around seeds, with broad yellow glabrous (hairless) margins.
Velvety Spiral Pod Wattle |
Acacia cochlocarpa subsp. velutinosa
Status: Critically Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Acacia cochlocarpa subsp. velutinosa
Threats The main identified threats to Velvety Spiral Pod Wattle are inappropriate fire regimes track maintenance illegal rubbish dumping clearing grazing and weed invasion (CALM; 2005 Stack et al.; 2003).