Acacia sp. Graveside Gorge (V.J. Levitzke 806) NT Herbarium, Family Mimosaceae, has not been formally described. It is a very distinctive perennial with grey-green foliage. Its leaves are narrow and needle-like, 10–15 mm long, hairy and arranged in whorls around the stem. The inflorescence is globular and the pods are short. Fruiting specimens have been collected in March and October. It is apparently an obligate seeder. Acacia sp. Graveside Gorge is vegetatively similar to Drummondita calida (Family Rutaceae) and closely related to A. hippuroides, a Kimberley (Western Australia) species.
Acacia equisetifolia |
Acacia equisetifolia
Status: Critically Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Acacia equisetifolia
The priority recovery and threat abatement actions required for this species are o Collection of propagation material (seed). o Reduce frequency of fires (controlled burns). o Regular monitoring to establish the persistence of seedlings and time taken to reproductive maturity. o Further surveys to locate other populations. o Research into the role of fire and other ecological processes in the distribution and abundance of the species.
Australian Government, Listing Advices, Acacia equisetifolia
With the threat of inappropriate fire regimes; it is likely that a severe future reduction in population size will occur; especially if the current population of seedlings is burnt before reaching reproductive maturity.
Inappropriate fire regimes pose a significant threat to this species as approximately 30 dead stems of the species had been burnt the previous season.
The population is threatened by inappropriate fire regimes.