Acacia pycnostachya, Family Mimosaceae, also known as the Bolivia Wattle, is an erect shrub or spreading tree, 3–15 m high with strongly angled or flattened, glabrous, pruinose branchlets, and firm, grey-green phyllodes 6–10 cm long and 15–30 mm wide (Harden, 1991). The golden flower spikes are 3–6 cm long. Flowering occurs in spring or from July to October and fruits are borne October to November
Bolivia Wattle |
Acacia pycnostachya
Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Acacia pycnostachya
The main potential threats to Bolivia Wattle include browsing by feral animals; particularly goats during drought conditions; and inappropriate fire regimes (a fire frequency greater than every 15 20 years may kill adult plants and deplete the soil seed bank DECCW; 2005).