Rupp’s Wattle (Family Fabaceae) is an erect, open shrub, 1–3 m in height and spread, with spindly arching branches. It has smooth grey bark and densely hairy branchlets. The leaves are crowded, about 0.8–2 cm long and 1–2 mm wide, with fine hairs especially on margins and near base and an acute mucro at the apex. The round flower heads are golden yellow and are followed by flat seed pods 4–11 cm long. Rupp’s Wattle subpopulations on the Northern Tablelands (i.e. Torrington Wattle) have solitary or clustered inflorescences (racemose on subpopulations from Grafton–Coaldale) and hairy phyllodes and pods (almost glabrous in subpopulations from Grafton–Coaldale).
Rupp's Wattle |
Acacia ruppii
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Acacia ruppii
Trend increasing Analysis by the Wildlife and Threatened Extent across the entire range Species Bushfire Recovery Expert Panel; based on intersecting the modelled distribution of the Rupp s Wattle and the National Indicative Aggregated Fire Extent Dataset; indicates that approximately 43 of the range of the species was within the extent of the 2019 20 bushfires (Gallagher 2020).
The major threat from fire is probably the impacts of multiple fires occurring in short timeframes; which could kill immature plants before they reach reproductive maturity and deplete the soil seed bank (DECCW 2010).
Take the likelihood of increasingly frequent bushfires into account when developing planned burning programs; to avoid excessively frequent burning of any subpopulations.