Grey grasswrens are medium-sized grasswrens with strongly graduated and very long tails. Grey grasswrens have the palest colouration of all grasswrens with sandy grey-buff upperparts streaked with white lines edged in black, a black crown with white streaks, a pale breast partially covered in fine black streaks, pale buff flanks and a distinctive black marking around the eye and throat creating a necklet pattern. Female grasswrens are very similar to males but can be distinguished by the narrower black streaks around the face and throat and narrower black eye marking. Grey grasswrens (Bulloo) are similar to grey grasswrens (Lake Eyre Basin) (A. b. diamantina), however the Lake Eyre Basin subspecies are larger and have slightly different plumage characteristics, including more broadly separated black markings on the throat and narrower black edges to the white streaks on the upperparts. Grey grasswrens (Bulloo) have a call comprising three syllable ringing notes briskly uttered in a high pitch.
Bulloo Grey Grasswren, Grey Grasswren (Bulloo) |
Amytornis barbatus barbatus
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Amytornis barbatus barbatus
Other potential threats include fire and predation by feral cats (Felis catus) and foxes (Vulpes vulpes) (McAllan Cooper 1995 Australian Government; 2005).