Gawler Ranges Short-tailed Grasswren, Short-tailed Grasswren (Gawler Ranges)  |  

Amytornis merrotsyi pedleri

Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list

Short-tailed grasswrens are medium-sized, slim-bodied and rather short-tailed grasswrens with grey-brown to dark rufous/dark red-brown upper body with fine black and white streaking and dusky breast-streaking: Adult females are differentiated from males by a small rufouspatch on the rear flanks. Short-tailed grasswrens (Gawler Ranges) are similar to striated grasswrens (A. striatus), western grasswrens (A. textilis) and the Flinders Ranges subspecies of short-tailed grasswren (A. m. merrotsyi). Short-tailed grasswrens (Gawler Ranges) are distinguishable from striated grasswrens by their significantly shorter tail and slightly heavier bill, as well as other subtle differences in colouration: the subspecies is distinguishable from western grasswrens by their significantly shorter tail, smaller size, slimmer appearance, finer bill and considerably brighter rufous upperparts. The Gawler Ranges subspecies of short-tailed grasswren is distinguishable from the Flinders Ranges subspecies by their noticeably darker colouration, more coarsely streaked chin, throat and breast and darker buff belly and flanks. Short-tailed grasswrens are said to have a high pitched contact call and are said to squeak when issuing an alarm call, however little else is known of their song.

Government evidence of impact of climate change:

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  • Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Amytornis merrotsyi pedleri

    Furthermore; short tailed grasswrens (Gawler Ranges) have also been identified as one of 55 Australian bird taxa considered likely to be exposed to increases in the frequency and intensity of fires as a result of climate change (Garnett et al.; 2013).