All thick-billed grasswrens (A. modestus) are characterised by cryptic plumage patterns with body colouration generally mid to pale brown above, paler below, with a moderately streaked appearance above, moderately to barely streaked below; tail varying from moderately long to short, slightly longer or of the same length in males; and, a deep bill. The north-west New South Wales subspecies (A. m. obscurior) is paler than A. m. curnamona and A. m. inexpectatus
Grey Range Thick-billed Grasswren, Thick-billed Grasswren (north-west NSW) |
Amytornis modestus obscurior
Status: Critically Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Amytornis modestus obscurior
Thick billed grasswrens (north west New South Wales) have also been identified as one of 20 terrestrial Australian bird species rated most sensitive to climate change and one of Australian bird species; occupying terrestrial and inland waters; most exposed to either a loss of climate space or a reduction in climatic suitability (Garnett et al.; 2013).
Threats Overgrazing by sheep (Ovis aries); cattle (Bos taurus); feral goats (Capra hircus) and rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus); particularly in combination with drought which reduces available vegetation; is thought to be the main threat to thick billed grasswrens; and is already believed to have caused the extinction of A. m. inexpectatus (Garnett et al.; 2011).