Western grasswrens are medium-sized, thickset grasswrens with long bills and long tails and dark coarsely streaked colouration. The upperparts are dark brown to rufous with paler streaks, while the underparts are pale grey-buff with fine streaking from the chin to the breast and a white patch on the centre of the belly. Female grasswrens are differentiated by chestnut patches on the flanks and a slightly shorter tail length. The Gawler Ranges subspecies of the western grasswren is usually seen in pairs or small groups, but sometimes occurs singly. Western grasswrens (Gawler Ranges) are similar to western grasswrens (WA) (A. t. textilis), however the Western Australian subspecies have a slightly longer tail, are slightly paler in the upperparts and have a smaller white patch in the centre of the belly.The extant Western Australian subspecies also occupies a different range of habitats to the Gawler Ranges subspecies as they are only found in Western Australia and are confined to an area around Shark Bay. Western grasswrens have a quiet but clear silvery song and an alarm call consisting of highpitched squeaks.
Western Grasswren (Gawler Ranges) |
Amytornis textilis myall
Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Amytornis textilis myall
A continuing decline in the number of mature individuals and the area of occupancy is suspected based on the apparent extirpation of the subspecies from some of the sites it historically occupied and ongoing threats to the extent and quality of the subspecies habitat; chiefly excessive grazing pressure; altered land use and climate change (extended drought) (Black et al.; 2009).