Banksia catoglypta is a shrub to 1 m tall and 1 m wide, without a lignotuber. The stems have broadly ovate-oblong prophylls at the base of an annual increment, tomentose outside, glabrous inside and usually recurved. The leaves are blue-green, pinnatisect; lamina 15-30 cm long and 2.5-7 cm wide. There are 10-15 lobes on each side, which are triangular, acute, pungent, at 80° – 90°, the upper margin ± straight to gently curved, the lower more convex; under side pale green with shallow, indistinct pits, margins flat; petiole 1.5-1.8 cm long. The flower heads are golden yellow, 7-8 cm across, terminal on short branchlets, with several linear, leaf-like bracts around involucre, flowers 85-110 per head. The involucral bracts are broadly ovate-oblong, silky-villous, to 25 mm long. The perianth is 44-56 mm long, villous with pale hairs becoming silky towards the limb; limb very narrow, 12-15 mm long, appressed-silky with pale hairs and a terminal, rusty-red fruit. The pistil is 46-64 mm long, bowed, glabrous; pollen presenter narrow, ribbed, 8-9 mm long, dull reddish-pink. Follicles glabresecent, striate, shining, loosely attached. Seeds are two per capsule, enclosed within a papery separator.
Banksia catoglypta |
Banksia catoglypta
Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Banksia catoglypta
As both subpopulations are located in Whole species Potentially severe remnants surrounded by agriculture land; there is a high risk that each subpopulation could be destroyed by a single fire event.
As there is only a single known population of Banksia catoglypta and it is located on a long unburnt remnant surrounded by agriculture land; there is a high risk that the entire population could be destroyed by a single fire event.