Banrock Station Wetland Complex is located on the River Murray floodplain immediately downstream of Kingston on Murray in the Riverland of South Australia. The site is a floodplain wetland complex typical of the lower River Murray floodplain. It comprises areas of freshwater and areas of secondary salinised floodplain with discrete wetland basins and channels. The largest wetland basin is referred to as Banrock Lagoon. The dominant wetland vegetation types on the floodplain include river red gum woodland, black box woodland, Lignum shrubland, and sedgelands. Aquatic herblands are present in Banrock Lagoon providing significant habitat value for aquatic biota. The site supports a high diversity of ecological communities and species which includes over 120 species of plants and 138 species of birds. Of these bird species, 14 species are waterbird and wetland dependent species listed as threatened. There are over 85 species of woodland birds, eight of which are considered rare in South Australia. Seven native mammals, 14 species of reptiles and eight amphibians have been also been recorded on site. Recreation and tourism are a key feature of the site. The main activities are interpretive nature walks along designated trails.
Banrock Station

Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Banrock Station Ramsar Site, Ecological Character Description
Increased riparian soil salinity long term Vineyard operations irrigation drainage Climate change Altered water regime; less water Medium Medium to temperature rise and available long term ( reduced rainfall Altered seasonality of flooding years to Reduced wetland condition and decades) resilience Changes in range and life cycle of biota; including threatened and invasive species . . . . . . xvii There are a number of key knowledge gaps that limit the description of ecological character and the setting of limits of acceptable change for the Banrock Station Wetland Complex (Table E5).
The potential range of climate change impacts which could affect the Banrock Station Wetland Complex are summarised in Table 11. .
Table 11 Potential direct and indirect impacts from climate change which could affect floodplain wetlands of the lower River Murray.
Genetic changes in species to new climatic conditions Altered rainfall and runoff patterns (local increases decreases) Altered river flow and changes to sediment Increased incidence of eutrophication and nutrient dynamics of streams; lakes and estuaries Altered lowland flood risk Changes in species distribution and Loss of wetlands and associated biodiversity ecosystem composition.
Altered hydrological regimes caused by increasing climate variability; in combination with elevated temperature may result in a substantial increase in the strength of seasonality in some regions.
The latest climate projection models for South Australia suggest that by 2030 it is likely that average summer temperatures in the vicinity of Banrock Station will increase 0.6 to 1.0 ; and there will be a tendency towards lower rainfall across the year of 5 to 2 (using 50th percentiles) (Figure 38 and Figure 39).
Site specific impacts from climate change could include reduced capacity to support Regent Parrot feeding habitat.
Vineyard operations irrigation drainage Climate change temperature rise and reduced rainfall Compaction of soils Loss of vegetation Potential erosion issues Immediate long term . .
The three aspects of climate that most directly affect wetland ecology are rainfall (both local and in the catchment); temperature and (to a lesser extent in temperate systems) relative humidity as these all fundamentally affect wetland hydrology and the water budget.
Increased riparian soil salinity long term Vineyard operations irrigation drainage Climate change Altered water regime; less water Medium Medium to temperature rise and available long term ( reduced rainfall Altered seasonality of flooding years to Reduced wetland condition and decades) resilience Changes in range and life cycle of biota; including threatened and invasive species . . . . . . xvii There are a number of key knowledge gaps that limit the description of ecological character and the setting of limits of acceptable change for the Banrock Station Wetland Complex (Table E5).
The potential range of climate change impacts which could affect the Banrock Station Wetland Complex are summarised in Table 11. .
Altered hydrological regimes caused by increasing climate variability; in combination with elevated temperature may result in a substantial increase in the strength of seasonality in some regions.
The latest climate projection models for South Australia suggest that by 2030 it is likely that average summer temperatures in the vicinity of Banrock Station will increase 0.6 to 1.0 ; and there will be a tendency towards lower rainfall across the year of 5 to 2 (using 50th percentiles) (Figure 38 and Figure 39).
Site specific impacts from climate change could include reduced capacity to support Regent Parrot feeding habitat.
Vineyard operations irrigation drainage Climate change temperature rise and reduced rainfall Compaction of soils Loss of vegetation Potential erosion issues Immediate long term . .
The three aspects of climate that most directly affect wetland ecology are rainfall (both local and in the catchment); temperature and (to a lesser extent in temperate systems) relative humidity as these all fundamentally affect wetland hydrology and the water budget.
Potential direct physical and ecosystem effects Potential secondary and indirect impacts Increases in temperature Southward species migration Mismatching of life cycle interactions Changes in range of weeds; other invasive between species (predator prey species and pests and diseases plant herbivore pathogen host Species migration to higher altitudes pollinators flowering plants) leading to Changes in phenology (life cycle events species declines and extinctions flowering; egg laying; migration) Changes in competitive interactions Changes in distribution and abundance of among species; and the structure and species composition of communities and Changes in metabolism (photosynthesis; ecosystems Increased occurrence of respiration; growth and tissue composition) in plants eutrophication of streams; lakes; wetlands and estuaries Species loss Increased frequency and intensity of wild Reduced capacity for recovery of fires natural areas following wild fire and other disturbance regimes.
Potential direct physical and ecosystem effects Potential secondary and indirect impacts Increases in temperature Southward species migration Mismatching of life cycle interactions Changes in range of weeds; other invasive between species (predator prey species and pests and diseases plant herbivore pathogen host Species migration to higher altitudes pollinators flowering plants) leading to Changes in phenology (life cycle events species declines and extinctions flowering; egg laying; migration) Changes in competitive interactions Changes in distribution and abundance of among species; and the structure and species composition of communities and Changes in metabolism (photosynthesis; ecosystems Increased occurrence of respiration; growth and tissue composition) in plants eutrophication of streams; lakes; wetlands and estuaries Species loss Increased frequency and intensity of wild Reduced capacity for recovery of fires natural areas following wild fire and other disturbance regimes.
Continued wetting and drying of the main wetlands; shifting the hydrology of the system from a permanent flow through system to an intermittent xix freshwater wetland system; will ultimately induce further ecological responses change.
Loss of migratory birds dependent on wetlands and streams Disruption to stream; estuarine; wetland food webs due to reduced supply of nutrients Drying of ecosystems leading to loss of species and changes in community composition Invasion of woody shrubs into drying landscapes Wetland ecosystems are influenced by altered average conditions; variability and extremes.
Continued wetting and drying of the main wetlands; shifting the hydrology of the system from a permanent flow through system to an intermittent freshwater wetland system; will ultimately induce further ecological responses change.
There is evidence that numbers are drastically reduced during winter drought when water temperatures dip below 10 C.
Community composition changes were observed in response to partial wetting and drying with the vegetation responding to changes in depth reflecting local topography and period of inundation. 3.6.2 Tree health The poor regeneration of River Red Gum and Black Box communities as a result of altered water regimes on the floodplains was described as ‘disturbing’ and the long term survival of these woodlands along the River Murray corridor as ‘seriously threatened’ (Smith and Smith 1989 cited in Kahrimanis et al. 2001).
Under non flood conditions water flows though the system but at a slower rate. 5.1.2 Rising groundwater salinisation of the floodplain Salinity has long been recognised as a key threat to the condition of aquatic ecosystems (e.g.
Continued wetting and drying of the main wetlands; shifting the hydrology of the system from a permanent flow through system to an intermittent xix freshwater wetland system; will ultimately induce further ecological responses change.
Loss of migratory birds dependent on wetlands and streams Disruption to stream; estuarine; wetland food webs due to reduced supply of nutrients Drying of ecosystems leading to loss of species and changes in community composition Invasion of woody shrubs into drying landscapes Wetland ecosystems are influenced by altered average conditions; variability and extremes.
Continued wetting and drying of the main wetlands; shifting the hydrology of the system from a permanent flow through system to an intermittent freshwater wetland system; will ultimately induce further ecological responses change.
There is evidence that numbers are drastically reduced during winter drought when water temperatures dip below 10 C.