Tingle Pygmy Trapdoor Spider  |  

Bertmainius tingle

Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list


Government evidence of impact of climate change:

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  • Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Bertmainius tingle

    Past; present and future Climate change drying climate and increased fire Entire High risk Climate change is leading to a drying climate and increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events like fire.
    Implement monitoring program and undertake research to further understand the biology and ecology; particularly in relation to fire and climate change.
    A drying climate due to reduction (in years and generations) climate change is currently occurring; but it is unknown when it will begin to impact on the species.
    It is likely that if a fire event or a drying climate were to impact on the species on the future; it would impact on both locations due to their proximity to each other.
    Climate change drying climate Entire High Climate change is leading to a drying climate and Future and increased fire risk increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events like fire.
    Specify if the threat is past; current or whole species or specific the conservation of the potential) subpopulations) species) Extreme fire events and inappropriate fire regimes Entire High Other Bertmainius species have been subject to fire; which caused the death of many individuals.
    When was the reduction or is it anticipated to occur Past Present Future What is the period of time for the A wild fire may impact the species at any time.
    Include on whole species or threat to the abiotic and biotic causes; specific conservation of the human related e.g. exploitation; subpopulations) species) and biological characteristics of the species e.g. low genetic diversity) Extreme fire events and Entire High Other Bertmainius species have been subject to Past; present and future inappropriate fire regimes fire; which caused the death of many individuals.