The Blue Gum High Forest of the Sydney Basin Bioregion ecological community is a type of moist, tall open forest that is endemic to SydneyÕs northern suburbs, where there is high rainfall. The ecological community comprises a tall canopy of dominant trees that may reach a height of over 30 metres, above a midstorey of shrubs and small trees over a diverse ground layer, commonly with ferns.
Blue Gum High Forest of the Sydney Basin Bioregion
Status: Critically Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Approved Conservation Advice for Blue Gum High Forest of the Sydney Basin Bioregion
Other major threats include weed infestations; notably by lantana; exotic vines and scramblers; and exotic perennial grasses degradation from inappropriate access and disturbance from people; domestic animals; bikes and other vehicles increased nutrient load and sedimentation from urban runoff and stormwater discharge inappropriate fire regimes mowing or clearing of the understorey in a way that limits regeneration of native species and pathogen invasion and dieback (e.g. myrtle rust).