Boronia capitata subsp. capitata, Family Rutaceae, also known as Tutanning Boronia, is a low shrub growing to 1.3 m high and 80 cm wide, with pinkish-mauve to purple flowers. The flowering season is from August to February, and the flowers grow in compact terminal heads on short thick stalks. The leaves are 5–15 mm long, narrow, and semi-cylindrical shaped. This subspecies is distinguished by the long, soft, straight hairs on the branches and leaves, and its hairy sepals and petals.
Boronia capitata subsp. capitata |
Boronia capitata subsp. capitata
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Boronia capitata subsp. capitata
The main potential threats to the subspecies include changed hydrology inappropriate fire regimes exotic weeds and increased grazing pressure (ANRA; 2007).