The Scott River boronia is an erect slender-stemmed perennial which is approximately 1 m high and has pale pink/white flowers. Its upper leaves are slender and almost round in cross-section, to 1.5 cm long. The pink flowers are borne in clusters of 3–9 flowers at the end of branches. Each flower has four woolly sepals which are deep red and 4 mm long with four broadly ovate pink petals to 7 mm long. The name exilis is Latin for slender and weak, referring to the stems of the species. The Scott River boronia is similar to B. juncea, and particularly to the B. juncea subsp. laniflora. It can be distinguished from B. juncea by its strongly fringed stamens, which are hairless in B. juncea.
Scott River Boronia |
Boronia exilis
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Boronia exilis
Weeds also reduce the chance of regeneration from the seed bank and increase fuel loads; potentially exacerbating the fire risk (Evans et al.; 1999).
Fire High suspected Field surveys suggest that the species is killed by fire and frequency current recruitment is not stimulated by fire (Luu English 2004).