The Coast Spider-orchid is a small terrestrial orchid. During the growth period, a single dull-green, hairy leaf occurs at the base of the plant. This leaf is ovate-lanceolate in shape, 5-9 cm long and 15-20 mm wide. When in flower, the orchid reaches a height of 12-25 cm. The flowers are usually solitary, unscented, and occur on a fine, wiry, hairy scape 12-25 cm tall. Flowers are generally about 3.5 cm across, mostly yellowish-green, with a red tinge, and a red central stripe along each flower segment. The lateral sepals and petals spread out horizontally whilst the dorsal sepal is erect and curves forward over the flower. The petals are linear-lanceolate in shape and narrow to linear near the tip. The labellum is distinctive and, in contrast to the other petals, is three-lobed, articulated on a short claw, dark green to yellowish-green with a dark maroon centre and irregularly toothed edges. The dark maroon calli are irregular in shape and occur in six regular rows occupying most of the upper surface of the labellum.
Coast Spider-orchid |
Caladenia conferta
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Caladenia conferta
Severe drought; changes to climate patterns and habitat fragmentation may affect the future viability of populations through reduced reproduction.
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Caladenia conferta
There are a number of threats that may be impacting the Coast Spider Orchid including habitat loss and fragmentation from vegetation clearance; grazing; weed invasion; recreational pressures; drought and a lack of pollinators.