The Cossack Spider-orchid is a small orchid producing 1-3 distinctive flowers with narrow linear greenish-white sepals, and petals with longitudinal red veins and dark glandular hairy tips. The erect dorsal sepal is 25-30 mm in length. The labellum has a few irregular marginal teeth and two rows of closely set glands along the middle. The flowers are produced on a slender, erect, hairy stem, up to 20 cm high. A narrow, linear leaf clasps this stem near its base and there is a short bract midway along its length. Flowering occurs from mid-September to early-November. The plant is dormant between December and late April.
Cossack Spider-orchid |
Caladenia dorrienii
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Caladenia dorrienii
It is known that the species is sensitive to fire and will die if burnt when the above ground parts are present (between July and November).