Herbaceous perennial geophyte to 30 cm. Occurs singularly or as small groups of scattered individuals. Flowers in spring (late September to October). Leaf green and hairy, originating from the base of the scape; flowers 1-4, 4-5 cm across; creamy yellow perianth segments spreading widely and hanging downwards, often incurved towards their tips; 4-6 rows of calli on the labellum
Quindanning Spider Orchid |
Caladenia hopperiana
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Boddington Spider Orchid
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Caladenia hopperiana
Inundation of low lying includes new plants population of Salinity plants recorded also within Timber Grazing and trampling reserve (kangaroos; rabbits; pigs) Recreational activities (rubbish; campfires; vehicles) Weeds Drought Future Timber extraction Small population size Mining Poor recruitment Weeds Changing groundwater levels Drought climate change Appendix A North of Nature 2011 11 0.9 ha Excellent Past As above Quindanning reserve 2012 9 Land clearing for new population agriculture 2014 Current Fire Grazing and trampling (kangaroos; rabbits; pigs) Drought Future Small population size Poor recruitment Drought climate change Form to nominate a Western Australian species for listing as threatened; change of category or delisting 2011 (Updated 2016).
Monitor the populations for evidence of rabbit; kangaroo; or pigs; or changes in plant or site health Protect the sites from fire unless required for ecological reasons; and implement early intervention in any wildfires which may threaten the sites Survey for additional populations.
Part of creekline Current also under threat from 2013 248 Fire salinity and waterlogging.