The Greencomb Spider-orchid is a perennial orchid growing to 30 cm in height when flowering. Its flowers are usually single, 5 cm across and perianth segments are green with crimson median stripes. Sepals of the species are dull yellow in colour with indistinct osmophores and grow to 1 cm in length. The top sepal is erect over the column, and the lateral sepals project forward and down. Petals are shorter and spread behind the flower. The labellum is pale yellowish to white, trilobed, with a maroon tip and 4 rows of uncrowded, stalked, clubbed red calli. The lateral lobes are not extensive, with a long green fringe basally and marginal teeth on the shorter, paler midlobe.
Greencomb Spider-orchid |
Caladenia tensa
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Rigid Spider-orchid
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Caladenia tensa
Fire Timing and potential The influence of fire on the life history of the rigid spider frequency orchid is poorly known (Todd 2000).
Too frequent fire or aseasonal fires may pose a threat by altering the habitat; removing organic surface materials and negatively impacting pollinators and mycorrhizal agents.