Candy Spider-orchid  |  

Caladenia versicolor

Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list

The candy spider-orchid grows to 25 cm high, with a single leaf and one to two white, pale pink or purplish flowers. This species was known from a single population south-west of Stawell in Victoria, comprising of an estimated 800 plants. A second population was located in 2009 in the Black Range State Park east of Balmoral, and 175 flowering plants were identified at this location in 2012. The candy spider-orchid is found on plains, sedgy woodland and shallow sands woodland dominated by Eucalyptus leucoxylon. Trampling and rabbit grazing are threats to this species and timber harvesting has been a threat in the past.

Government evidence of impact of climate change:

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  • Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Caladenia versicolor

    Fire Timing and potential The role of fire for the candy spider orchid is unknown. frequency However; fires that occur in autumn; winter and spring; after the species shoots but before seed is set; may pose a threat.

    Too frequent fire or aseasonal fires may pose a threat by altering the habitat; removing organic surface materials and negatively impacting pollinators and mycorrhizal agents.