Caladenia wanosa, Family Orchidaceae, also known as Kalbarri Spider-orchid, usually occurs as scattered individuals. The plant is up to 20 cm tall, with an erect linear leaf 3Ð6 cm long and about 3 mm wide, with hairs mainly on the lower surface. Flowers are cream with deep maroon markings and the erect upper sepal and spreading lateral sepals all have prominent clubs. The attractive labellum (flower lip) is broad, with bold red stripes and a curved tip. It has two rows of dark red calli. Flowering occurs from August to September. This species has also been called Calonema wanosa, Phlebochilus wanosa, Calonemorchis wanosa and Jonesiopsis wanosa, however Caladenia wanosa is the current name used in the Australian Plant Census (see CHAH, 2005). Kalbarri Spider-orchid can be distinquished from Caladenia radialis with the latter having a drooping upper sepal, tapering lateral sepal tips, and a band of crowded calli on the labellum (Hoffman & Brown, 1992; Brown et al., 1998).
Kalbarri Spider-orchid |
Caladenia wanosa
Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Caladenia wanosa
The main potential threats to Kalbarri Spider orchid include firebreak maintenance roadwork car park extensions drought and wildfire.