Yellow-lip Spider-orchid  |  

Caladenia xanthochila

Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list

The yellow-lip spider-orchid grows to 30 cm, with a single leaf and greenish-yellow flower. In 2010, this species was known from two sites in north-western Victoria; one site contained an estimated 350 plants on private land near Murtoa and one site contained two plants on land managed by Parks Victoria near Inglewood. In 2000, three specimens were also collected north of Adelaide in the Flinders Ranges in South Australia. Flowering in the yellow-lip spider-orchid occurs in late August and September and is followed by summer dormancy. Landscape fragmentation as a result of agricultural clearing may represent the greatest threat to the long term survival of this species. Other threats include trampling and weed invasion.

Government evidence of impact of climate change:

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  • Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Caladenia xanthochila

    Fire Timing and potential The role of fire for the yellow lip spider orchid is unknown frequency of (Todd 2000).

    However; fires that occur in autumn; winter and fire spring; after the species shoots but before seed is set; may pose a threat.

    Too frequent fire or aseasonal fires may pose a threat by altering the habitat; removing organic surface materials and negatively impacting pollinators and mycorrhizal agents.