Pectoral Sandpiper  |  

Calidris melanotos

The Pectoral Sandpiper is a small-medium sandpiper and member of the Scolopacidae family. The species has a length of 19–24 cm, a wingspan of 37–45 cm and a weight of 85 g for males and 60 g for females. The species is characterised by a flat back and a plumpish body that tapers to a drawn out rear end. The head is small and rounded, situated on a long neck. The legs are short and the bill varies from short and straight, to medium-length and gently decurved. When at rest the folded primaries (flight feathers) are level with, just short of, or slightly longer than the tip of the tail. Also, the folded primaries are short in breeding adults and long in juveniles (Higgins & Davies 1996). 

Government evidence of impact of climate change:

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  • IUCN Red List Assessment, Calidris melanotos

    The disproportionate effect of global warming on the arrival dates of short distance migratory birds in North America.