The Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo is 55-60 cm in length and 570-870 g in weight (Higgins 1999). Males and females are mostly glossy black with a pair of black central tail feathers, a crest, robust bill and bright red, orange or yellow barring in the tail. Males are distinguished by broad red tail panels that are only visible when taking off or alighting. They have a dark brown iris, dark grey eye-ring and blackish legs. Females are distinguished by yellow or whitish spots on the feathers of the head and upper wing coverts. Their tail feathers are bright red and orange, grading to yellow on the inner margins, and have variable black horizontal barring. Females have yellow or orange barring on the tips of the feathers of the throat, breast, belly and under-tail coverts and a light grey bill with a dark grey tip. The juvenile is similar to the adult female but has a white eye-ring. The subspecies voice is a loud cry of ‘karee’ or ‘krar-raak’.
Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo |
Calyptorhynchus banksii naso
Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Listing Advice, Calyptorhynchus banksii naso
Climate change is an additional threat that is likely to exacerbate other threats as a result of changes to biodiversity and ecosystem function (Chambers et al.; 2005).
European Honeybees pose a significant threat to the ability of the Forest Red tailed Black Cockatoo to survive and breed; and this is likely to increase with the southward movement of bees in response to change to a warmer climate in southern Western Australia (Chapman; 2005).