Baudin’s Cockatoo is a large cockatoo that measures 50–57 cm in length, with a wingspan of approximately 110 cm, and a mass of 560–770 g. It is mostly dull black in colour, with pale whitish margins on the feathers, large, rounded patches (white to yellowish-white in the female and dusky-white to brownish-white in the male) on the ear coverts, and rectangular white panels in the tail. It has a large bill (with a very elongated upper mandible) that is coloured black in the male and whitish-grey with a black tip in the female; a dark brown iris that is surrounded by a reddish-pink eye-ring in the male and a grey eye-ring in the female; a short, rounded, erectile crest; and grey feet. Juvenile birds are like the adults in appearance, but the bill of the juvenile male is like that of the adult female. The bill of the juvenile male begins to darken after the second year. Baudin’s Cockatoo is gregarious. It is usually seen in groups of three (comprising the adult pair and a single dependent young) or in small parties, but will occasionally gather in large flocks of up to 300 birds during the non-breeding season, usually at sites where food is abundant.
Baudin's Cockatoo |
Calyptorhynchus baudinii (Zanda baudinii)
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Calyptorhynchus baudinii (Zanda baudinii)
Climate change poses a significant future threat to Baudin s cockatoo in terms of decline in nesting trees; reduced food availability; increased fire frequency and altered movements (R Johnstone; pers. comm. 2017a; c).
The availability of suitable nesting and foraging trees for the species is likely to continue to decline (R Johnstone; pers. comm. 2017a DSEWPaC 2011); particularly due to an increase in the frequency and intensity of fire events as a result of climate change.
The primary threatening processes resulting in nest hollow shortages are land clearing practices for agriculture; forestry and mining; fire events and competition with invasive and native species.