A reptile, previously known as Pseudomoia palfreymani, similar to Pseudemoia spenceri in colour, being dark brown to black above, the head variegated and spotted with pale brown or bronze, but with pale vertebral and dorso-lateral stripes absent
Pedra Branca Skink, Pedra Branca Cool-skink |
Carinascincus palfreymani
Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Carinascincus palfreymani
The main potential threats include the introduction of invasive species to Pedra Branca Island; changes to seabird numbers (increase in silver gulls and decrease in other seabirds such as Australasian Gannet); and climate change (sea level rise and or increased frequency of extreme waves) (DPIPWE; 2009).