Clausena excavata grows as a slender shrub 1Ð4 m in height (NT Herbaium 2013). Leaves are compound
with approximately 10Ð30 leaflets. Leaflets ovate, 3-6 cm long, approximately 1.5 cm wide, asymmetrical,
finely hairy and aromatic with a distinctive aniseed or sarsaparilla smell. Plants can produce a compound
inflorescence of pale green or cream coloured flowers in the leaf axils. Fruit are small, hairy, fleshy and are
red at maturity.
Diagnostic Characters: Leaflets alternate to subopposite, mostly 17-25, apex acute; branchlets lacking
Clausena excavata |
Clausena excavata
Status: Critically Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Clausena excavata
Feral pigs (Sus scrofa) occur in the area and can physically 100 of the low damage plants and disturb habitat. population is exposed to this (Current and Future) threat Grazing stock (Bos indicus) move through the area and can 100 of the low physically damage plants and spread weedy grasses population is exposed to this (Current and Future) threat Clausena excavata listing evidence 2017 Climate change little is known of potential impacts; but this 100 of the unsure species is dependent on small patches of monsoonal rainforest. population is exposed to this threat Summary of IUCN attributes EOO 4 km2 (scaled up AOO 4 km2 (based on Generation unknown to match AOO) 2 km x 2 km length grids) No. locations 1 Severely fragmented Yes No Unknown No. subpopulations 1 No. mature individuals Less than Percentage global population within Australia 1 of global species population Percentage population decline over 10 years or 3 Unknown; possibly none generations Refer to Guidelines for using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria for definitions.
This results in substantial changes to savanna fire regimes.
It can dramatically increase local fuel loads from the 2 4 tonnes ha typical for native grasses to 11 15 tonnes ha or sometimes even 30 tonnes ha for Gamba Grass resulting in later; more intense fires that can kill or reduce the vigour of tree species (Rossiter et al. 2003 Ferdinands et al. 2006 TSSC undated).
Their small size and sensitivety to fire and or altered fire regimes; increases the risks posed by invasive species like Gamba Grass.