The small-flowered conostylis is a rhizomatous tufted perennial herb. It occurs in an area north east of Dongara, over a range of approximately 35 km. In 2004, a total of 310 plants were known from eleven populations. Most populations occur on narrow road or railway reserves in fragmented, remnant heath vegetation. Four populations occur in nature reserves.
Small-flowered Conostylis) |
Conostylis micrantha
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Conostylis micrantha
Small flowered conostylis is both directly and indirectly affected by weeds due to direct competition; inhibiting the growth of small flowered conostylis and displacing it where it once grew; a decrease in the diversity of the habitat of small flowered conostylis; altered nutrient cycling; altered soil acidity; and increased fire hazard due to easy ignition of the high fuel loads that are produced annually; and the formation of a continuous fuel bed permitting a fire to spread quickly.
Fire frequency during the reproductive phase of small flowered conostylis (i.e. flowering; pollination; seed growth and seed dispersal) may result in low nil seedling recruitment.
High fire frequency may also lead to the degradation of the habitat of small flowered conostylis due to a depletion of soil seed banks and a temporary increase in the availability of nutrients for weed establishment (Panetta Hopkins 1991).