Ctenopterella blechnoides  |  

Ctenopterella blechnoides

Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list

Ctenopteris blechnoides, Family Grammitidaceae, is a small terrestrial rhizomatous fern with
fronds that occur in two rows. The rhizome is short-creeping densely scaly, light brown,
narrowly triangular in outline, with an attenuate apex, and occasional coarse hairs at the
margins. The stalks are about 1 cm long, black, narrowly winged and have short hairs. Lamina
(fronds) are leathery, dark green above, paler beneath, are narrowly elliptical to 20 cm long
and 2 cm wide, and have a black central axis that is sparingly hairy beneath. Each frond is
deeply divided into segments with margins that curl inwards, and each segment contains up to
14 groups of spore cases (Andrews, 1990; Landsberg & Clarkson, 2004). Synonyms include
Grammitis blechnoides and Polypodium blechnoides (CHAH, 2008a).

Government evidence of impact of climate change:

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  • Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Ctenopterella blechnoides

    This species habitat has largely been protected from damage by people; feral animals; weeds or changed fire regimes and there is no evidence to suggest any ongoing population decline (Landsberg Clarkson 2004).