Abba Bell is an erect or sometimes spreading shrub, up to 70 cm tall by 40 cm wide, and often uses other shrubs for support. The green linear leaves, 3-5 mm long, are triangular in cross-section, crowded at the end of branches, and bend backwards. This feature of the leaves distinguishes the species from the similar Darwinia oederoides. The flowers are nodding, or rarely erect. The flowers are enclosed by red and green bracts that are arranged in several rows. The ribbed floral tube is brown, 3 mm long, with small triangular calyx lobes. The petals are about 1 mm long and there is a red, curved style 10-16 mm long.
Abba bell |
Darwinia whicherensis
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Darwinia whicherensis
Darwinia species are generally considered to be fire sensitive with post fire regeneration occurring mainly from soil stored seed.
They also exacerbate grazing pressure and increase the fire hazard through easy ignition of high fuel loads; which are produced annually by many grass weed species (Stack English 2003).
Although fires are likely needed for reproduction; high frequency fire should be prevented from occurring in the area of populations (Stack English 2003). o Inform other fire fighting agencies of appropriate response to fire threatening the site; including the maintenance of firebreaks (Stack English 2003).