Daviesia discolor, Family Fabaceae, is a multi-stemmed shrub to 2 m tall with hairless,
angular branchlets. Phyllodes are spirally arranged, more or less sickle-shaped, tapered to
both ends, 4Ð16 cm long, 4Ð11 mm wide, thin and green. Flowers are in inflorescences borne
in the angles between the upper phyllodes and branchlets. Inflorescences are 3Ð8 flowered,
the axis 2.5Ð10 mm long. Flowers are of a typical ÒpeaÓ form with a large petal at the back
(the standard), two smaller lateral petals (wings) and two inner petals fused together to form
the keel. The standard is yellow with dull red markings surrounding an intense yellow spot in
the centre. Wings are yellow towards the apex, dull red towards the base. The keel is pale
green with a dull red tip. Pods are 7Ð8.5 mm long, 5.5Ð6 mm wide, lead grey or purple.
Flowering occurs from August to October (Crisp, 1991).
Daviesia discolor |
Daviesia discolor
Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Daviesia discolor
Threats The main identified threat to D. discolor is fire; either deliberate fuel reduction burns; or wildfire (Halford; 1998).
Although the species appears to be capable of resprouting from rootstock after fire; too high fire frequency would eventually lead to population declines (Halford; 1998).