Mature plants seen were 1m tall, plants to 2m (6ft) recorded by C.A Gardiner 1935. Erect multistemmed form but coming from single stem, bushy appearance. Appears to be obligate re-seeder from observations of juveniles. The considerable size variation observed in population of eight plants was attributed to grazing. Flowers are yellow-orange and red with purple-red bracts. The species was known from only one population of eight individuals on Mt Manypeaks following considerable survey effort to relocate it in 2007. Further survey in 2008, located several new patches of individuals, as well as a new subpopulation north-west of Mt Manypeaks in a water reserve. The number of mature individuals has increased to 94 in 2014.
Broad-leaf DaviesiaÊ |
Daviesia ovata
Status: Critically Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Daviesia ovata
No. locations 1 Severely fragmented Yes No Unknown No. subpopulations 2 No. mature individuals Percentage global population within Australia Percentage population decline over 10 years or 3 generations Unknown Threats (detail how the species is being impacted) Threat Extent Impact (describe the threat and how it impacts on the (give details of impact on (what is the level of threat to species.
Climate change modelling for the south west predicts a decline in rainfall; and some seasonal shift to summer rainfall events; which is likely to increase the potential impact of drought on the species.
Geographic range (B1) Extent of Occurrence is 8 km2 based on the AOO. (EOO and AOO; number of (B2) Area of Occupancy is 8 km2 using the 2km x 2km grid method locations and evidence of ( 10 km2). decline) (a) Only known from a single location within Mount Manypeaks Nature Reserve and Water Reserve. (b) Continuing decline observed and projected (iii) (v) The habitat is highly threatened and has been modified by Phytophthora cinnamomi; canker; fire and grazing.
Past; current and future Altered fire regimes Whole population Severe The species is thought to regenerate after fire from soil stored seed.
However; if fire frequency is increased the soil seed bank could be depleted before juvenile plants have reached maturity.
Biological habitat Heath scrub; regenerating from fire in summer 2005.
Quokka numbers have been observed to increase following fire and favour regenerating habitat; such as juvenile Daviesia ovata; as food.
Past; current; future Drought Whole population Severe This is a threat to the species if it occurs over a number of years.