The narrow-leaf bent-grass is a tufted perennial grass growing to 1 m tall. There are two known populations, both are located in the Alpine National Park in eastern Victoria. It is considered likely additional populations occur in remote and inaccessible areas near the existing populations and possibly in areas across the NSW border. In 2008 it was estimated that 200-400 narrow-leaf bent-grass individuals existed. This species grows in bare sandstone crags and dry rocky woodland in rain-shadow country, most abundantly growing in crevices and on ledges on the steepest, most exposed cliff lines. This species flowers in December and January, continuing to produce seed until March. Grazing and habitat degradation by herbivores is a threat to the narrow-leaf bent-grass.
Narrow-leaf Bent-grass |
Deyeuxia pungens
Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Deyeuxia pungens
Effects on the species and its environment as a result of climate change Global potential It is predicted that climate change will have a significant effect on climate alpine plant diversity; including the narrow leaf bent grass; and on change the structure and function of alpine plant ecological communities by impacting upon their physiology; timing of life cycles and their interactions with other species.
Effects on the species and its environment as a result of climate change o Ex situ seed banks provide an important capacity for medium to long term storage of diaspores (spores; seeds; dispersal units) of threatened plant species.
Record the source and parentage of all seed collected. o Consider implementing a programme to translocate cultivated individuals of the species to areas of suitable habitat in response to the threat of climate change.