Diplazium pallidum, Family Athyriaceae / Woodsiaceae, is a fern with an erect rhizome that
forms a slender trunk to about 30 cm tall. The trunk is scaly at the apex, the scales being black
with irregularly toothed margins. The fronds grow erect and form a spreading tussock. The
stipe (petiole of the frond) is 10Ð33 cm long, with a black scaly base. The dark-green leaf
blade is 30Ð50 cm long and 15Ð25 cm wide. The pinnae (primary segments of the leaf) are 8Ð
14 cm long and 10Ð12 mm wide (Jones, 1998). This species is slow-growing, and the fronds
are long-lived (Queensland EPA, 2008).
Diplazium pallidum |
Diplazium pallidum
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Diplazium pallidum
Threats The main identified threats to Diplazium pallidum are roadworks; climate change; feral pigs (Sus scrofa); weed invasion; and clearing of small residual patches (Queensland EPA; 2008).