The late hammer-orchid is endemic to Western Australia, where it grows in three widely separated areas: near Boyup Brook, near the Porongurup Range, and in the Stirling Range-Gnowanerup area. Populations found near Boyup Brook grow in sandy sites associated with Kunzea glabrescens, Eucalyptus marginata, and Banksia attenuata. Populations found near Porongurup Range and in the Stirling Range-Gnowanerup area grow in similar habitat, but the understorey comprises a low shrubland of Dasypogon bromeliifolius. In 2014, the number of mature individuals was reported to be fewer than 250 plants, some of which are threatened by track and fire break maintenance, recreational activities and grazing by rabbits and pigs.
late hammer-orchid |
Drakaea confluens
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Drakaea confluens
Fire Timing and frequency known Fire during late autumn; winter and spring can current adversely affect the viability of populations by killing flowering plants and preventing seed set (WA DPAW 2014).
Ensure that any mechanical disturbance and overspray associated with chemical control are minimised; and do not impact this species. o Consider monitoring the impact of feral predator control after any large fire or large rain event.