Hairy Quandong   |  

Elaeocarpus williamsianus

Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list

The Hairy Quandong is a small rainforest tree growing up to 16 m in height and often multi-stemmed. The leaves are alternate, but tend to be clustered at the ends of branches in spirals, known as pseudowhorls. They are simple, with eight to 10 pairs of inconspicuous irregular broad teeth, broadly oblanceolate, 9.17 cm long, rounded at the tip and tapering quickly to the base 2004a; 2005e). The upper surface of the leaf is dark-green, glossy and smooth except for the basal half of the midrib, which is rusty-brown. The under surface is dull and covered in dense rusty-brown hairs. Petioles are 23.3 mm long, densely hairy, swollen and slightly bent where the leaf base is attached. Inflorescences range from 11 to 16 flowers and are 2.5 to 5 cm long, found near the ends of branchlets or in the axils of the upper leaves. The flowers are pale green and pendulous. The fruit is a globular prussian blue drupe, 2.3 cm long and resembles that of Eucalyptus grandis.

Government evidence of impact of climate change:

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  • Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Elaeocarpus williamsianus

    Potential threats to Hairy Quandong include the introduction of pathogens during habitat regeneration activities and inappropriate fire regimes (high intensity and or too frequent fires) (Leigh Briggs; 1992 DEC NSW; 2004).