Bearded Heath is a woody shrub in the Epacridaceae family. It has small hard leaves that are prickly to touch, and small white flowers that occur in clusters at the ends of the branches.
Bearded Heath is an erect multi-stemmed shrub growing up to 2 m tall. Its branches are robust, bearing thick recurved lance-shaped leaves, 7-9.5 mm long and 3-5 mm wide with short stalks, a pungent apex and a conspicuous mid-vein on the lower surface. Flowers are white, solitary in the leaf axils, subsessile and clustered at the ends of branches. The style is 5-6.5 mm long; stigma and anthers are half-exserted from the corolla tube which is 4-5.5 mm long and has five lobes 5-6.5 mm long. The sepals are densely pubescent.