Epacris hamiltonii is a shrub growing to 1 m high, with white tubular flowers. The leaves grow to 1 cm long and are covered with silky hairs on both sides, giving them a a soft grey/green appearance. The species is an attractive plant which could be of horticultural value.
Epacris hamiltonii |
Epacris hamiltonii
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Epacris hamiltonii
Fire To frequent suspected Too frequent burning is a potential threat to this E. hamiltonii. burning potential Epacris hamiltonii populations may decline to extinction whenever fire regimes deplete the pool of individuals within different life stages by mortality without replacement over an appropriate time scale (Keith 1996).
Too frequent burning can alter ecosystem processes; leading to changes in species presence and abundance; population demographics and structure; as well as affecting other associated factors such as pollinators and mycorrhizal fungi; which may affect the health of E. hamiltonii and its habitat (NSW NPWS 2001).
The NSW rural fire service Threatened species hazard reduction list recommend fire intervals for no more than one fire in a year period (NSW RFS 2013). o Physical damage to the habitat and individuals of E. hamiltonii must be avoided during and after fire operations.
A prolonged extraction drought event; with accompanying low rainfall and high temperatures; will reduce or stop seepage from swamps (Holland et al.; 1992 cited in NSW NPWS 2001) and therefore have the potential to affect E. hamiltonii and other wet gully species.