The bog willow-herb is a prostrate, mat-forming, perennial herb. Stems root at the nodes and
grow beyond the flowering regions. Leaves are elliptic or ovate, opposite, to 14 mm x 7 mm,
sparsely hairy, with some glandular hairs. Margins are smooth, or with a few shallow teeth.
Flowers appear in summer and are white, to 8 mm wide on stalks to 7 cm long. There are four
obovate (egg shaped) petals, to 4 mm long, each indented at the apex. Fruit is a narrow,
cylindrical capsule, to 24 mm long, containing small dark, granular seeds attached to long, silky
hairs (Walsh & Entwisle 1996).
Two other willowherbs, Epilobium billardierianum and E. gunnianum occur near to where the
bog willow-herb grows. Those species may be distinguished by the variously toothed leaves,
versus the mostly entire leaves of the bog willow-herb (Walsh & Entwisle 1996).
Bog Willow-herb |
Epilobium brunnescens subsp. beaugleholei
Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Epilobium brunnescens subsp. beaugleholei
Threats Table 1 Threats Threat factor Threat Threat Evidence base type status Habitat loss; disturbance and modifications Changes in potential future Moisture levels of the habitat may be altered by moisture extended drought due to climate change; levels rendering it unsuitable for the continued existence of the plants (Carter Walsh 2006).