Eremophila sp. Subteretifolia (K.R.Newby 10924), Family Myoporaceae, also known as Lake
King Eremophila, is a ground hugging, mat-like plant up to 10 cm high and 1.5 m in diameter.
The erect, orange flowers emerge above glossy, green leaves. The low-growing habit and
orange flowers of this species are distinctive. Lake King Eremophila flowers between July to
March, and possibly throughout the year (Brown et al., 1998). This species has recently been
formally described as Eremophila subteretifolia (Chinnock, 2007)
Lake King eremophila |
Eremophila subteretifolia
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Eremophila subteretifolia
Threats The main identified threats to Lake King Eremophila are poor recruitment associated with lack of appropriate disturbance; such as fire (Phillimore et al.; 2002).
The main potential threats to Lake King Eremophila include salinity and prolonged waterlogging recreational activities road and track maintenance vehicle damage rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) gypsum mining and inappropriate fire regimes.