Eucalyptus benthamii (Camden white gum), family Myrtaceae, also known as the Nepean
river gum, is a tree that grows to 40 m tall. Its bark sheds to ground level and is smooth and
white, with a small stocking of rough bark at the base (Brooker & Kleinig, 1983). Immature
leaves are rounded, adult leaves are long and lanceolate in shape with irregular lateral
venation and evenly coloured on both sides (OEH, 2013). The tree flowers in summer and
autumn, although sporadic flowering may occur throughout the year (OEH, 2013). Capsules
are small and usually bell-shaped (OEH, 2013).
Beard's mallee |
Eucalyptus benthamii
Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Eucalyptus benthamii
Threats The main identified threats to the Camden white gum are land clearing; urban development; inappropriate fire regimes; changed hydrology; weed invasion and inappropriate revegetation works (impacting genetic diversity) (OEH; 2013).