Johnson's Mallee  |  

Eucalyptus johnsoniana

Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list

Eucalyptus johnsoniana, Family Myrtaceae, also known as JohnsonÕs Mallee, is a small
spreading mallee growing to 2 m tall, forming dense clumps that may be several metres
across. Their dense crowns of glossy, dark green to blue-green leaves often extend to the
ground. The bark is smooth and grey-brown to cream above, but grey-brown and slightly
rough and flaky at the base. Leaves are narrow, lanceolate, to 12 cm long and have numerous
oil glands. There are seven flowers in each unbranched, axillary inflorescence. Club-like and
pear-shaped buds have a hemispherical to slightly conical cap. Fruit are globular,
approximately 1 cm in diameter, and have a small opening and a thick rim. The sunken disc
has 3Ð4 valves, which may protrude slightly. Seeds are pyramid-shaped and brown.
Flowering occurs from July to January (Brown, et al., 1998; Patrick & Brown, 2001; DEC,

Government evidence of impact of climate change:

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  • Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Eucalyptus johnsoniana

    The majority of populations are in healthy condition and it is likely that these populations will increase in the future however; fire and mining may cause a rapid decrease in the number of populations (DEC; 2008).