Eucryphia wilkiei, Family Eucryphiaceae, is a shrub growing to 3Ð4 m tall with a dense,
rounded crown. The leaves are opposite and either simple or with 2Ð5 leaflets, on stalks to
5 mm long. Leaf/ leaflet blades are elliptic-oblong to lance-shaped, 19Ð43 mm long and 3Ð
12 mm wide, and silky hairy when young. Mature leaves are glossy green above, with a
depressed midrib and 12Ð20 pairs of lateral veins distinctly visible on the underside. The
flowers are in the leaf axils, on stalks that elongate to 10 mm at flowering. The four sepals are
overlapping, 8Ð9 mm long, the outermost pair densely woolly. The four petals are broadly
ovate, 12Ð15 mm long, with a rounded apex. The capsule is woody, approximately 10 mm
long, with 7Ð9 valves (Forster & Hyland, 1996).
Eucryphia wilkiei |
Eucryphia wilkiei
Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Eucryphia wilkiei
Threats The main potential threats to Eucryphia wilkiei include climate change irregular damage caused by cyclones and storms (Forster Hyland; 1996) recreation activities and track maintenance.
The species occurs only at the top of Mt Bartle Frere and could therefore be affected by climate change (Hilbert et al.; 2001).