The Blue Mountains Water Skink is a medium-sized lizard that reaches a maximum weight of around 10 g. It grows to approximately 20 cm long (average about 16 cm) with a snout-vent length of about 8 cm. The body of the Blue Mountains Water Skink is much darker than the other species of Eulamprus found in the Blue Mountains. Across its back it is very dark brown to black with narrow yellow/bronze to white stripes along its length to the beginning of the tail and continuing along the tail as a series of spots. This gives the appearance of a distinctive dark dorsal stripe bordered by yellow lines. The limbs and sides are also dark brown to black with yellow to bronze streaks and small blotches. The head is brown to bronze with black flecks and its underside is cream to golden yellow with small dark blotches. The limbs are well developed and all have five digits.
Blue Mountains Water Skink |
Eulamprus leuraensis
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Eulamprus leuraensis
Increased risk potential The frequency and severity of wildfires is also predicted to of intense fires increase as a result of climate change (NSW OEH 2012 Williams due to climate et al.; 2009).
Hazard reduction burning and potential arson attacks have the potential to increase the frequency of fire in Blue Mountains water skink habitat (NSW NPWS 2001 NSW OEH 2012).
The reduction in shelter resources in the post fire environment may result in increased rates of predation (NSW NPWS 2001).