The Bogong eyebright is a perennial, semi-parasitic herb growing to about 15 cm tall. Dense
glandular hairs are present on branches, leaves, rachis, bracts and calyces. Leaves are broadly
oblong or wedge-shaped, to about 16 mm x 7 mm, the margins exhibiting several pairs of long,
narrow teeth. Flowers appear in summer and are tubular, to 15 mm wide, white or very pale
purple with 3Ð5 fine purple stripes and yellow markings on lower lobes. Fruit is an ovoid capsule
that is densely bristly in apical parts (Barker 1982; Walsh & Entwisle 1999). There have been no
specific biological or ecological studies of the Bogong eyebright. The abundance of flowering
plants may vary greatly between years (Carter & Walsh 2006).
The Bogong EyebrightÊEuphrasia eichleri |
Euphrasia eichleri
Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Euphrasia eichleri
Climate change Increased potential future Euphrasia species may tolerate interannual temperature climatic variation (J Morgan pers. comm. 2016) and altered such as drought (DSE 2009).
Climate change is an inferred threat for Bogong eyebright (Carter Walsh 2006 DSE 2009).
Threat factor Threat Threat Evidence base type status Fire Altered fire potential current In 2003; 11 populations were impacted by frequency bushfires (DSE 2009).
The threat of fire is inferred as the long term effect of fire on the species is unknown (Carter Walsh 2006 DSE 2009).