Gardenia psidioides, Family Rubiaceae, is a spreading evergreen shrub growing to 1 m tall. It
has elliptical, opposite, glossy dark green leaves which are paler below and up to 13 cm long
and 5 cm wide. This species has solitary, white, tubular flowers to 5 cm long and elongated
fruit to 5 cm long. The species is closely related to G. rupicola but differs in having larger
leaves, longer anthers, and larger and more elongated fruit (Puttock, 1988).
Glennie River |
Gardenia psidioides
Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Gardenia psidioides
The main potential threat to G. psidioides is competition with weeds; damage from feral pigs (Sus scrofa); cattle; and inappropriate fire regimes (Landsberg Clarkson; 2004).