Low shrub, branchlets ascending, angular to terete, densely pubescent. Petioles terete
continuous with branches. Leaves spreading to ascending, opposite, cuneiform 8-11 x 4-6 mm, upper
surface glabrous, lower densely villous, venation reticulate, apex truncate to bilobed, weakly
mucronate, recurved, margins irregularly recurved, base rounded. Stipules erect, partly fused behind
axillary bud, triangular with long acuminate apex 4-8 mm long moderately pubescent. Inflorescences
terminal racemes, 15 to > 30-flowered densely pubescent, rachis 20-45 mm long. Peduncle 4-10 mm
long, pedicels terete densely pubescent. Calyx campanulate, c. 4 mm long moderately to densely
pubescent. Style long incurved, pubescent in lower third. Ovary densely pubescent. 4-3.5 mm. Pod
ovoid, densely pubescent.
Flowering (S Barrett pers observation) Sept-Oct
Gastrolobium humile |
Gastrolobium humile
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Gastrolobium humile
They also increase the fire hazard.
Current and future Altered fire regimes Whole population Severe The species is likely to be sensitive to inappropriate fire regimes due to its preferred habitat in areas that act as refuge during wildfires.
If fire frequency is increased the soil seed bank could be depleted before juvenile plants have reached maturity.
Past; current and future Drought Whole population Severe This is a threat to the species if it occurs over a number of years.