Grevillea batrachioides, Family Proteaceae, also known as Mt Lesueur Grevillea, is an upright shrub to 2 m tall that has rounded hairy branchlets. Leaves are about 15 mm long, stiff and divided into 3Ð5 narrow lobes which may then be further divided. Leaf margins are rolled under leaving only the midrib exposed, and have spreading hairs beneath. Flowers are creamy-pink to deep red, occurring in simple inflorescences (flower clusters) at the ends of branchlets. Flowers are 3Ð4 mm wide, dilated at the base, hairy outside with few hairs inside, and with stalks 12Ð13 mm long. The species flowers from September to October (Olde & Marriott, 1995; Brown et al., 1998; Makinson, 2000; Western Australian Herbarium, 2008).
Mt Lesueur Grevillea |
Grevillea batrachioides
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Grevillea batrachioides
Threats The main identified threats to the single population of Mt Lesueur Grevillea are inappropriate fire regimes and recreational activities (Olde; 1996 Brown et al.; 1998 Stack English; 2002).
The main potential threats to Mt Lesueur Grevillea include vegetation clearing increasing fragmentation dieback caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi and changed fire regimes (May McKenzie; 2003).