Grevillea evansiana, Family Proteaceae, also known as Evans Grevillea, is a low, dense and spreading shrub, to 0.5 m high (Makinson, 2007) with white hairy stems. The leaves are elliptical to oblong and glossy green above and silver-grey underneath (Fairley, 2004). Clusters of dark-red flowers are produced between August and December, with peak flowering in September (Fairley, 2004; Makinson, 2007). White-flowered specimens have also been recorded (Fairley, 2004).
Grevillea evansiana |
Grevillea evansiana
Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Grevillea evansiana
Potential threats to this species include inappropriate fire regimes and fungal pathogens (NSW NPWS; 2000 DECC; 2005a).